Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Thumbkin Saves The Day

The Problem

As mentioned before Ringo and I are two very different artists.

Some artists showcase their work in a very visual manner, while other artists... don't, and as you could probably see Ringo isn't exactly what you would call a visual artist. ;) I on the other hand express my artistic abilities best with more visual and technical methods, and after coming home to a slightly pathetic photo collage of our past four Seattle visits I took it upon myself to save the day once again. ;)

The Process

At first I tried to walk Ringo through all the steps of creating a fantastic slide show over the wonderful workings of skype, but that turned out to be quite fruitless and was soon debunked from the plan of action.

Thereafter commenced plan B.

We transferred the pictures to my computer, and I continued the process of video making. I am happy to announce that I overcame our technical difficulties(which were acctually technical difficultise this time), am very pleased with my results, and can now work my way around Picasa in an adaquate manner. Also, I was quite proud of my accomplishment of creating the semi-awesome audio track that accompanies this video as I pretty much know nothing about how music and computers work together, not to mention our computer nerd friend Charlie was absolutely no help.


This is my first attempt, practice makes perfect and I promise you these things will get way better by the end of things.

Apparently Picasa and Blogger don't get along as well I we thought so I'm just sending you the link to our YouTube page.

The Results

Here you have it, the new and improved "Best of Seattle."


Xx Thumbkin

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