Friday, June 3, 2011

In The Beginning

"Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you imagined." - Henry David Thoreau

Several months ago, Thumbkin and I went on a windy, rainy, mid-afternoon in December walk, and talked about life. We talked about all the things we wanted to do, and we especially talked about traveling. Where we wanted to go, what we wanted to see, how we wanted to live.... And as the rain fell in that sideways slant across our warm faces, we made the decision that together we were going to travel. I was going to take Thumbkin on all sorts of merry, foreign adventures full of witch doctors and strange foods and exciting smells to places that she never, ever wanted to step foot in, and she was going to take me on many excursions to big cities with bright colors and new people and fabulous indie boutiques, as well as camping.
After this grand decision was made, we subsequently decided that we would document all of these travels with pictures, videos, a youtube account, facebook updates and, of course, a blog.
So here we are.
At the beginning.
This is the very start of all our shared adventures and journeys.

There will be laughter, there will be stress, there will be inconventional forms of transportation, there will be tears,
And there will most definitely be stories.
All of these successes and failures we plan to share with you to the best of our capabilites (I'm not sure how great the internet reception is in the remote corners of Andalucia), and we hope you enjoy unfolding the memories just as much as we enjoyed making them.

So cheers to the future, and cheers to the adventures.
Second star to the right, and straight on 'til morning. :)

A Few Things You Should Know:
We plan to sing the entirety of "Where Is Thumbkin?" at every destination, as we feel it is only fitting.

We have two irreplaceable travel companions, otherwise known as Ivan the Lion and P.H. the Goat who will be popping up all over this blog and we feel you should get used to their adorable faces now.

We are a writer, and a designer.... Two artists, but with very different masterpieces. Sometimes our art flows well together, at other times it may be disjointed. Don't give up on us. We're still working out the technical difficulties. ;)

We're also going to have photo slideshows for each travel that will be posted courtesy of Picasa, and we will be making song playlists for every trip, which we will also share, because our love of music almost outshines our love of traveling and art. Almost.
End of P.S.

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