Wednesday, August 10, 2011

It Begins

So it begins!!!

If you look at the list of places that myself and Ringo aspire to visit(located at your right) you'll notice that a lot of them aren't exactly easy, or cheap expeditions, and for a couple of poor, young, car-less girls seem a little bit unrealistic. But fret not, we don't expect to get to them all before we're thirty. We expect it to take us an entire lifetime, we WANT it to take an entire lifetime, and as mentioned before since we are poor girls we have planned to start out small. Which bring us to the first of many adventures.

Camping. REAL camping.

I have grown up going on camping trips with my family, not vacations... Ringo has not. So for our first real trip together I'm ecstatic to torture her with a hardcore, in the middle nowhere, sleeping on the ground... in tents, week long, showerless campground, Thumbkin family camping trip. It'll be interesting to say the least.

We will be camping at Lost Lake in northeast Washington, west of a little town called Republic... I.E. the middle of nowhere. I've never been before which is always exciting, but funnily enough I have heard of Republic for a VERY long time as my best friends & neighbor's grandparents own some property and horses there... useless tibit of information for yah. There will great memories made and LOTS of lessons learned.

A few things on the agenda so far:

Fly fishing lessons, and for Ringo fishing lessons in general. The fly fishing should be... hazardous at best... you might wanna keep us in your prayers so we don't kill each other with flies in our heads.. or other body parts. Thankfully there won't be any dogs to swallow the flies as that is NOT fun... not that I'd have any experience with THAT........

Lots of GREAT campfire songs... stay tuned.

A obscene amount of water play and sunbathing... EXCITED.

Lastly AND most important, eating a lot of food.

I will now stop with the boring explanations of what we're going to do and leave it till we get back! Not quite sure how we're going to update ya'll on all the adventure but keep an eye out for anything in the form of video, picture, or English language!

Also, I believe Ringo will post a playlist for the "nobody really knows how long" car ride there!



Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Thumbkin Saves The Day

The Problem

As mentioned before Ringo and I are two very different artists.

Some artists showcase their work in a very visual manner, while other artists... don't, and as you could probably see Ringo isn't exactly what you would call a visual artist. ;) I on the other hand express my artistic abilities best with more visual and technical methods, and after coming home to a slightly pathetic photo collage of our past four Seattle visits I took it upon myself to save the day once again. ;)

The Process

At first I tried to walk Ringo through all the steps of creating a fantastic slide show over the wonderful workings of skype, but that turned out to be quite fruitless and was soon debunked from the plan of action.

Thereafter commenced plan B.

We transferred the pictures to my computer, and I continued the process of video making. I am happy to announce that I overcame our technical difficulties(which were acctually technical difficultise this time), am very pleased with my results, and can now work my way around Picasa in an adaquate manner. Also, I was quite proud of my accomplishment of creating the semi-awesome audio track that accompanies this video as I pretty much know nothing about how music and computers work together, not to mention our computer nerd friend Charlie was absolutely no help.


This is my first attempt, practice makes perfect and I promise you these things will get way better by the end of things.

Apparently Picasa and Blogger don't get along as well I we thought so I'm just sending you the link to our YouTube page.

The Results

Here you have it, the new and improved "Best of Seattle."

Xx Thumbkin

Friday, June 3, 2011

The Best of Our Seattle Days

Hi friends!

Trying to figure out Picasa, this is the first project. Hopefully it's not too lame.

These are the best times we've had in Seattle, so far, and they span over the space of about 2 1/2, almost 3 years.
I'm trying to get a video of them together so you can see the pictures better, but I'm not a computer person so the going is slow. :)


Posted by Picasa

In The Beginning

"Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you imagined." - Henry David Thoreau

Several months ago, Thumbkin and I went on a windy, rainy, mid-afternoon in December walk, and talked about life. We talked about all the things we wanted to do, and we especially talked about traveling. Where we wanted to go, what we wanted to see, how we wanted to live.... And as the rain fell in that sideways slant across our warm faces, we made the decision that together we were going to travel. I was going to take Thumbkin on all sorts of merry, foreign adventures full of witch doctors and strange foods and exciting smells to places that she never, ever wanted to step foot in, and she was going to take me on many excursions to big cities with bright colors and new people and fabulous indie boutiques, as well as camping.
After this grand decision was made, we subsequently decided that we would document all of these travels with pictures, videos, a youtube account, facebook updates and, of course, a blog.
So here we are.
At the beginning.
This is the very start of all our shared adventures and journeys.

There will be laughter, there will be stress, there will be inconventional forms of transportation, there will be tears,
And there will most definitely be stories.
All of these successes and failures we plan to share with you to the best of our capabilites (I'm not sure how great the internet reception is in the remote corners of Andalucia), and we hope you enjoy unfolding the memories just as much as we enjoyed making them.

So cheers to the future, and cheers to the adventures.
Second star to the right, and straight on 'til morning. :)

A Few Things You Should Know:
We plan to sing the entirety of "Where Is Thumbkin?" at every destination, as we feel it is only fitting.

We have two irreplaceable travel companions, otherwise known as Ivan the Lion and P.H. the Goat who will be popping up all over this blog and we feel you should get used to their adorable faces now.

We are a writer, and a designer.... Two artists, but with very different masterpieces. Sometimes our art flows well together, at other times it may be disjointed. Don't give up on us. We're still working out the technical difficulties. ;)

We're also going to have photo slideshows for each travel that will be posted courtesy of Picasa, and we will be making song playlists for every trip, which we will also share, because our love of music almost outshines our love of traveling and art. Almost.
End of P.S.